Make up Tips :
1)Mascara atau liquid liner
2)Eyeliner (pengaris mata)
3)Eyebrow pencil (pensel kening)
4)Lipliner (penggaris bibir)
6)Blusher (Pemerah pipi)
7. Bedak
8. Span bedak ...
cukup ke ni ekk ???
haa ... da mekap2 tu , alang2 lengkapkan dgn alat nak mencuci ni ...
=> Cermin Muka, Pencuci Muka, Facial Cotton, Tisu, Face Towel, Cotton Bud, Makeup Remover / Baby Oil.
takyah nak pening2 pikir , ko tibai je kat umah mesti ada... haha
so pelajaran pertama hari ni .... how to apply eye shadow
terdapat dua cara dalam mengaplikasikan eyeshadow dalam bentuk shading rounded dan winged. So sekarang korang kenalah sesuaikan bentuk2 tu ngan wajah korang . Cara yang terbaik adalah dgn apply satu shading shape (rounded) pada sebelah mata dan sebelah lagi ko apply ngan shading shape jenis winged eyes. Nak jimat masa ... haha , then pi la nengok cermin ... amacam sesuai ?!
ni contoh winged shading ... ko nampak "kepak" tu ... =P ( aku da melalut ni ...huhu )
p/s : If you don’t have much room between the eyelid crease of your eye and your eyebrow then apply eye shadow using the winged shape (unless there is some sagging). ni kira khas utk mereka2 yang mempunyai kelopak mata yang tak berapa besar la ..macam aku ... huhu.
Looks best where the skin towards the corner of the eye is not sagging such as on younger women because their skin is still firm.
Use when your brow bone markedly curves around the eye and don’t use the winged style because it will make any sag more obvious.
ni lak contoh bagi yang sesuai ngan rounded shading tu ...
selamat mencuba , lihat artikel di bawah ....
Paula Begoun, Blue Eyeshadow Should Be Illegal, Beginning Press, 1985
When trying to choose which eyeshadow color and tone goes where, there are two general rules to always keep in mind that can get you started in the right direction: THE BIGGER THE EYELID, THE DARKER OR DEEPER THE COLOR CAN BE. THE SMALLER THE EYELID, THE BRIGHTER OR MORE COLORFUL TONES CAN BE USED. (Never use shiny white.) This is a totally logical approach. If the eyelid is already prominent it itsn't necessary to make it appear any bigger (it's kind of like a busty woman wearing falsies, it's overdoing what's already overdone), and if the eyelid is small it is more than appropriate to put on a color that stands out more.
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