Right bundle branch block (RBBB) occurs when transmission of the electrical impulse is delayed or not conducted along the right bundle branch. Thus, the right ventricle depolarizes by means of cell-to-cell conduction that spreads from the interventricular septum and left ventricle to the right ventricle. This results in the characteristic ECG pattern compared with a normal ECG as shown in the image below.
another definition :
Bundle branch block is a condition in which there's a delay or obstruction along the pathway that electrical impulses travel to make your heart beat. The blockage may occur on the pathway that sends electrical impulses to the left or the right side of your heart.
Bundle branch block can occur in people who appear healthy, but it may be a sign of another underlying heart problem. Bundle branch block sometimes makes it harder for your heart to pump blood forcefully and efficiently through your circulatory system.
Although bundle branch block itself often requires no direct treatment, you'll need treatment of any underlying health condition that could cause bundle branch block, such as heart disease.
ECGs demonstrate a normal sinus rhythm and a sinus rhythm with a right bundle branch block.
Knowledge of the anatomy and electrophysiology of cardiac conduction system from the atrioventricular (AV) junction to the Purkinje fibers is essential to understanding the pathophysiology of right bundle branch block.
Right bundle branch block occurs when the electrical impulse from the bundle of His does not conduct along the right bundle branch. Conduction down the left bundle branch proceeds normally, and the interventricular septum and left ventricle rapidly depolarize in the normal fashion. Depolarization of the right ventricle occurs later and is comparatively slow, accounting for the ECG findings in right bundle branch block (see the images below).
Exercise-induced right bundle branch block has been rarely noted and appears to be benign.[1]
The cardiac conduction system develops from rings of specialized tissue found in the embryonic heart tube. One theory describes 4 rings, each located between different segments of the heart tube. With looping and growth of the cardiac septi, the rings are brought together and develop into the sinus node, the AV node, and the penetrating bundle. Another theory describes a single ring of tissue located between the bulbus cordis and the primitive ventricle, which gives rise to the AV node, His bundle, right bundle branch, and left bundle branch.
The specialized conduction system of the heart is composed of cells that conduct electrical impulses faster than the surrounding myocardium. The conduction system can be divided into distinct anatomic segments, and each segment is described in sequence beginning at the AV junction and ending with the Purkinje fibers.
The AV junction can be divided into 3 regions as follows: transitional cell zone, AV node, and penetrating portion of the AV bundle (His bundle, common bundle).
The transitional cell zone is where the right atrium merges with the compact AV node by means of discrete atrial pathways termed the slow and fast pathways.
The next segment is the AV node, which lies anterior and superior to the ostium of the coronary sinus, directly above the insertion of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve. This area is located at the apex of the triangle of Koch, which is formed by the tricuspid annulus, the tendon of Todaro, and the ostium of the coronary sinus. Blood supply to the AV node is derived from the AV nodal artery, which is a branch of the right coronary artery in 85-90% of individuals and a branch of the left circumflex coronary artery in 10-15% of individuals.
At the apex of the triangle of Koch, the compact AV node becomes the penetrating bundle of His. It penetrates the central fibrous body at the attachment of the tendon of Todaro, runs between the membranous septum and the muscular septum, and bifurcates at the crest of the muscular ventricular septum. The His bundle is divided into 3 anatomic segments. The proximal, or nonpenetrating, segment lies distal to the AV node and proximal to the central fibrous body. The middle, or penetrating, segment penetrates the central fibrous body and runs posterior to the membranous septum. The distal, or branching, segment bifurcates at the crest of the muscular septum into the right and left bundle branches (see the image below).
The right bundle branch, a direct continuation of the penetrating bundle of His, originates distal to the attachment of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve with the membranous septum and surfaces on the right ventricular septum just below the papillary muscle of the conus. It is unbranched and proceeds toward the apex of the right ventricle along the posterior margin of the septal band, courses through the moderator band to the base of the anterior papillary muscle, and proceeds to the right ventricular free wall.
The left bundle branch originates at the crest of the muscular ventricular septum just distal to the membranous septum. It arises in a fanlike fashion that descends inferiorly along the left ventricular septal surface beneath the noncoronary cusp of the aortic valve. The left bundle branch usually branches into 3 major fascicles. The anterior fascicle is directed to the base of the anterolateral papillary muscle, the posterior fascicle is directed to the base of the posteromedial papillary muscle, and, in 60% of hearts, a central fascicle proceeds to the midseptal region. When no central fascicle is present, as in 40% of hearts, the midseptal region is supplied by radiations from the anterior fascicle or the anterior and posterior fascicles.
At the terminal aspect of each bundle branch, Purkinje fibers are interlaced on the endocardial surface of both ventricles and tend to be concentrated at the tips of the papillary muscles.
For a discussion on the anatomy of subtypes, see below.
Electrophysiology of cardiac conduction
The heart is a 2-step mechanical pump coordinated by precisely timed electrical impulses. For the pump to perform optimally, sequential depolarizations of the atria and then the ventricles allow atrial contraction to provide complete diastolic filling of the ventricles (AV synchrony). After the ventricles are filled, rapid activation of the ventricular myocardium permits a synchronized contraction to eject blood most effectively to the great vessels.
Normal cardiac conduction
In normal cardiac conduction, electrical excitation of the heart proceeds in a sequential manner from the atria to the ventricles and is demonstrated on the surface ECG (see the image below).
The electrical impulse is generated in the sinus node and proceeds along proposed internodal conduction pathways to reach the AV node. As the impulse conducts through the AV node, conduction slows, allowing time for atrial contraction to occur before the ventricle is activated (PR segment). After the impulse passes through the compact AV node, it is rapidly conducted through the crux of the heart to the ventricles by means of the bundle of His (penetrating bundle) to the branching bundle, the bundle branches, the distal Purkinje fibers, and finally the ventricular myocardial cells (narrow QRS complex). When depolarization is complete, the ventricle repolarizes in preparation for conducting another impulse. [#target2]
Types of right bundle branch block
Three types of right bundle branch block have been identified in electrophysiologic studies. Proximal, or central, right bundle branch block occurs when a conduction block is present just distal to the bundle of His in the superior aspect of the right bundle branch. This generally occurs when the proximal bundle is injured during surgery for lesions with an inlet or membranous ventricular septal defect (VSD).
Another type of right bundle branch block occurs when the impulse is interrupted between the proximal and distal aspects of the right bundle branch; this type is most commonly observed after surgical division of the moderator band during repair of tetralogy of Fallot.
Distal right bundle branch block is observed when distal ramifications of the right bundle are disrupted during right ventriculotomy or resection of muscle bundles in the right ventricular outflow tract. Regardless of the type of right bundle branch block, the ECG patterns remain similar. [#targetN]
Natural history
In general, surgically induced right bundle branch block results in no clinically significant acute hemodynamic consequences and has a benign course over the long term. In rare cases, a progression to complete heart block and sudden death is a concern, particularly if the right bundle branch block pattern is accompanied by additional evidence of substantial injury to the His-Purkinje system (eg, left anterior hemiblock, first-degree AV block). Patients who have undergone repair for tetralogy of Fallot and who have an right bundle branch block pattern with a markedly prolonged QRS duration (>180 ms) may be at increased risk for important ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death.
Patients with right bundle branch block from other causes may have diverse natural histories depending on the underlying disease. The outcome may be benign in some forms of familial right bundle branch block, or sudden death may result if the right bundle branch block pattern on ECG is due to Brugada syndrome, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), orKearns-Sayre syndrome.
United States
The most common cause of right bundle branch block in children is surgery associated with repair of an isolated VSD or another congenital heart disease that includes a VSD (eg, double-chambered right ventricle, AV canal, or tetralogy of Fallot). The incidence of right bundle branch block ranges from 25-81% after repair of a VSD alone to 60-100% after repair of tetralogy of Fallot. The variation of right bundle branch block after surgery is likely due to the proximity of the VSD to the His-Purkinje system, as well as the surgical technique. For example, right bundle branch block is less common with transatrial repair or exclusion ventriculotomy repair of a VSD than with other procedures.
Surgically induced right bundle branch block generally results in no clinically significant acute hemodynamic consequences, and it has a benign course over the long term. In rare cases, if right bundle branch block is associated with injury to the His-Purkinje system (eg, left anterior hemiblock, first-degree AV block), it can progress to complete heart block and sudden death.
Patients who have undergone tetralogy of Fallot repair and have a QRS duration more than 180 milliseconds may be at risk for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death.
Patients with familial right bundle branch block may have a benign course, whereas those with right bundle branch block and Brugada syndrome, ARVC, or Kearns-Sayre syndrome are at risk for sudden death.
Surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot, in addition to closing the VSD, is often associated with a transannular patch of the right ventricular outflow tract. This situation often results in clinically significant pulmonic valve insufficiency and progressive right ventricular dilatation as the patient ages. In addition, some patients have residual stenosis at various levels in the pulmonary circulation. By the time the patient is in his or her late teens or young adulthood, the right ventricle has been subjected to years of abnormal hemodynamics. Patients with right bundle branch block and a markedly prolonged QRS duration (>180 ms) may be at increased risk for ventricular tachycardia and sudden death.
The following are causes of right bundle branch block:
Hereditary factors
Hereditary right bundle branch block was observed in 4 Lebanese families and has been mapped to chromosome 19.[3]
A subset of patients with Brugada syndrome have mutations in SCN5A, the gene that encodes for the voltage-gated cardiac sodium channel.[4, 5]
Risk factors
In children, most cases of right bundle branch block occur after intracardiac surgery, such as congenital heart surgery associated with repair of a ventricular septal defect (VSD) and cardiac transplantation. Right bundle branch block has also been described in patients undergoing transcatheter closure of perimembranous VSDs.
Right bundle branch block has been associated with cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, congestive heart failure, atrial septal defect (ASD), and Ebstein anomaly.
A transient form of right bundle branch may be observed in patients with premature atrial contractions (Ashman phenomenon) or supraventricular tachycardia (rate dependent right bundle branch block). This occurs when an early impulse is conducted from the atrioventricular (AV) node to the His bundle while the right bundle branch is still refractory but the left bundle is not. Conduction down the right bundle branch is therefore delayed or blocked, resulting in a transient right bundle branch block pattern on the ECG.
Right anterior hemiblock is described in children with perinatal exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1.[6]
Associated syndromes
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked myopathy characterized by early onset and rapid progression with muscular weakness and pseudohypertrophy seen in the second year of life. Cardiac findings include mitral valve prolapse, pulmonary flow murmur, and an S3 or S4 gallop. (See Muscular Dystrophy.)
Myotonic dystrophy is characterized by muscular dystrophy, myotonias, hypogonadism, frontal balding, and cataracts. Congenital muscular dystrophymanifests with neonatal hypotonia, paresis, and myotonia. The adult form of myotonic dystrophy is the most common muscular dystrophy seen in adults. ECG findings may include first-degree AV block, left anterior fascicular block, and intraventricular conduction delay. Patients may have arrhythmias, Stokes-Adams attacks, or both. (See Muscular Dystrophy.)
Kearns-Sayre Syndrome is a mitochondrial myopathy with the physical findings of ptosis, chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia, and abnormal retinal pigmentation. Patients are at risk for heart block and sudden death. Rarely, patients present with dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure.
Brugada syndrome is a channelopathy mediated by the SCN5A gene. The right bundle branch block pattern seen in patients with this syndrome is not actually right bundle branch block but is a function of the unusual repolarization abnormality. The ECG shows ST-segment elevation in leads V1-V3, and patients are at risk for sudden cardiac death. Cocaine consumption or the use of the antiarrhythmic drugs propafenone, ajmaline, flecainide or procainamide may reveal ECG findings consistent with Brugada syndrome.[7]
Right bundle branch block is one the diagnostic criteria for patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC).
Patients may have isolated right bundle branch block or right bundle branch block with a left anterior fascicular block.
Right bundle branch block has been associated with blunt chest trauma and polymyositis.
Right bundle branch block may disguise the characteristic QRS morphology associated with ventricular pre-excitation (see Supraventricular Tachycardia, Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome). In patients with known right bundle branch block (eg, tetralogy of Fallot) and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome with a left-sided accessory pathway, the presence of the pathway is often undetected. In patients with right bundle branch block and a right-sided accessory pathway, the QRS may appear relatively normal without the expected right bundle branch block pattern.
The history in children with right bundle branch block (RBBB) should include the following:
- History of congenital heart disease
- History of cardiac surgery
- History of palpitations, general energy and activity level, exercise tolerance, dizziness, and/or syncope
- Family history of known arrhythmias, including bundle branch block, complete heart block, and placement of a pacemaker or defibrillator
- Family history of premature or sudden unexplained death, myocardial infarction in individuals younger than 45 years,[2] syncope, seizures, or fetal loss
Upon physical examination, patients with right bundle branch block have a persistently split second heart sound with normal respiratory variation in the splitting interval. In addition, one should always evaluate for findings consistent with postoperative heart disease, such as murmurs or a thoracotomy scar.
By Mayo Clinic staffIn most people, bundle branch block doesn't cause any symptoms. Sometimes, even people who are born with the condition can have a bundle branch block for years without knowing it.
For those people who do have signs and symptoms, they may include:
- Fainting (syncope)
- Feeling as if you're going to faint (presyncope)
- Having a slow heart rate (bradycardia)
When to see a doctor
If you've fainted, see your doctor to rule out any serious, underlying causes.
If you've fainted, see your doctor to rule out any serious, underlying causes.
If you have heart disease, or if your doctor has already diagnosed you as having bundle branch block, ask your doctor how often you should have follow-up visits. You might want to carry a medical alert card that identifies you as having bundle branch block in case you're seen in an emergency by a doctor who isn't familiar with your medical history.
By Mayo Clinic staffNormally, electrical impulses within your heart's muscle signal it to beat (contract). These impulses travel along a pathway, including a slender cluster of cardiac fibers called the bundle of His. This bundle divides into two branches — the right and the left bundles — one for each of your heart's two lower chambers (ventricles).
If one or both of these branch bundles become damaged — due to a heart attack, for example — this change can prevent your heart from beating normally. The heart's electrical impulses that make your heart beat may be slowed down or blocked. When this occurs, your heart's ventricles no longer contract in perfect coordination with one another.
The underlying cause for bundle branch blocks may differ depending on whether the right or left bundle branch is affected. Causes may include:
Left bundle branch block
- Heart disease
- Congestive heart failure
- Thickened, stiffened or weakened heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
Right bundle branch block
- A heart abnormality that's present at birth (congenital) — such as atrial septal defect, a hole in the wall separating the upper chambers of the heart
- A heart attack (myocardial infarction)
- A viral or bacterial infection of the heart muscle (myocarditis)
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Scar tissue that develops after heart surgery
- A blood clot in the lungs (pulmonary embolism)
By Mayo Clinic staffThe complications of bundle branch block are similar whether the blockage is on the right or left side of your heart. Complications may include:
- Slow heart rate
- Heart arrhythmia
- Cardiac arrest or sudden cardiac death
People who have a heart attack and develop a bundle branch block have a higher chance of complications and death than do people who have heart attacks and don't develop a bundle branch block.
In addition, because bundle branch block affects the electrical activity of your heart, it can sometimes complicate the accurate diagnosis of other heart conditions, especially heart attacks, and lead to delays in proper management of those problems.
Tests and diagnosis
By Mayo Clinic staffElectrocardiogram
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is the most commonly used test for bundle branch block. This noninvasive test is an electrical recording of your heart's activity. In this test, a technician places probes on the skin of your chest that will show the patterns of electric impulses through your heart as wave patterns. Abnormalities in the waves may indicate the presence of bundle branch block. These electrical patterns can also point to whether the block is affecting the right or the left bundle branch.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is the most commonly used test for bundle branch block. This noninvasive test is an electrical recording of your heart's activity. In this test, a technician places probes on the skin of your chest that will show the patterns of electric impulses through your heart as wave patterns. Abnormalities in the waves may indicate the presence of bundle branch block. These electrical patterns can also point to whether the block is affecting the right or the left bundle branch.
It's also possible your doctor will discover you have a bundle branch block incidentally — meaning the condition could be found while you're having an ECG to diagnose another heart condition.
Once you have been diagnosed with bundle branch block, your doctor may order other tests, such an echocardiogram. An echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce images of the heart. An echocardiogram allows the doctor to see the complicated movement of the heart in motion. An echocardiogram provides detailed images of the heart's structure and shows the thickness of your heart muscle, whether blood flow is obstructed and if your heart valves are moving normally.
Once you have been diagnosed with bundle branch block, your doctor may order other tests, such an echocardiogram. An echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce images of the heart. An echocardiogram allows the doctor to see the complicated movement of the heart in motion. An echocardiogram provides detailed images of the heart's structure and shows the thickness of your heart muscle, whether blood flow is obstructed and if your heart valves are moving normally.
Laboratory Studies
If myocarditis or cardiomyopathy seem to be reflected in the right bundle branch block (RBBB) pattern, consider troponin, creatine kinase (CK), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and other laboratory tests for cardiomyopathy (eg, carnitine determination).
Imaging Studies
Ambulatory ECG (ie, Holter monitoring) may be indicated in postoperative patients who are being periodically monitored or in patients with new right bundle branch block that has a poorly understood etiology and clinical effect.[8]
Echocardiography or myocardial perfusion studies may be indicated if the right bundle branch block is new or if the patient may have coexisting cardiac problems that cannot be adequately assessed with routine ECG. For example, the standard criteria for ventricular hypertrophy or ischemia are relatively unhelpful in a patient with a preexisting intraventricular conduction defect.
Other Tests
ECG findings in right bundle branch block (RBBB) reflect the underlying pathophysiology.
Transmission of the electrical impulse through the left bundle is normal, resulting in normal depolarization of the septum and left ventricle. This creates the initial R wave in lead V1 and the Q wave in V6.
The electrical impulse in the right bundle branch is delayed or not conducted. Therefore, the right ventricle depolarizes by means of cell-to-cell conduction that spreads from the interventricular septum and left ventricle to the right ventricle. This situation results in the characteristic ECG pattern shown in the image below.
ECGs demonstrate a normal sinus rhythm and a sinus rhythm with a right bundle branch block.
Right bundle branch block has been noted to alternate with left bundle branch block and intra-Hisian block.
ECG findings necessary to confirm the diagnosis of right bundle branch block include the following:
For complete right bundle branch block, the duration of the QRS complex is prolonged for the patient's age. Maximum QRS durations are 0.07 seconds for newborns less than 6 days, 0.08 seconds for patients aged 1 week to 7 years, and 0.09 seconds for patients aged 7-15 years.
An rSR' or rR' pattern, with the initial r wave less than the R' or r', may be seen in leads V1-V3R (see the image below). The initial R wave represents septal activation, the S wave represents left ventricular activation, and the R' represents activation of the right ventricle from the septum and left ventricle.
ECG depicts electrophysiologic events of right bundle branch block. AV = atrioventricular.
The S wave, which represents right ventricular activation, is wide in leads I and V6 (see the image below).
ECG demonstrates a wide S wave.
The QRS axis may be normal, or right or left axis deviation may be present.
The T wave is almost always inverted in lead V1 and may be inverted in V2. In the other precordial leads and in the limb leads, the T wave is directed opposite to the terminal portion of the QRS complex.
Treatments and drugs
By Mayo Clinic staffThere's no specific treatment for many cases of bundle branch block. Most people with bundle branch block are symptom-free and don't need treatment.
However, if you have an underlying heart condition causing bundle branch block, treatment of the underlying condition is recommended. Treatment of underlying conditions may involve using medications to reduce high blood pressure or lessen the effects of heart failure, or the use of a coronary angioplasty to open up the artery leading to your heart.
And, if you have signs or symptoms, such as fainting, your doctor may recommend an artificial pacemaker to keep your heartbeat regular.
Experts recommend treatment called reperfusion therapy for people with left bundle branch block who have had a heart attack. This treatment, given in an emergency situation, involves using medications, such as tissue plasminogen activator, to dissolve blood clots and increase the flow of blood to the heart.
Experts recommend treatment called reperfusion therapy for people with left bundle branch block who have had a heart attack. This treatment, given in an emergency situation, involves using medications, such as tissue plasminogen activator, to dissolve blood clots and increase the flow of blood to the heart.
Coronary angioplasty and stenting
Another option to increase blood flow to the heart is to perform coronary angioplasty. Angioplasty opens blocked coronary arteries, letting blood flow more freely to your heart. In this procedure, doctors insert a long, thin tube (catheter) that's passed through an artery, usually in your leg, to a blocked artery in your heart. This catheter is equipped with a special balloon tip. Once in position, the balloon tip is briefly inflated to open up a blocked heart artery. At the same time, a metal mesh stent may be inserted into the artery to keep it open long term, restoring blood flow to the heart. Depending on your condition, your doctor may opt to place a stent coated with a slow-releasing medication to help keep your artery open.
Another option to increase blood flow to the heart is to perform coronary angioplasty. Angioplasty opens blocked coronary arteries, letting blood flow more freely to your heart. In this procedure, doctors insert a long, thin tube (catheter) that's passed through an artery, usually in your leg, to a blocked artery in your heart. This catheter is equipped with a special balloon tip. Once in position, the balloon tip is briefly inflated to open up a blocked heart artery. At the same time, a metal mesh stent may be inserted into the artery to keep it open long term, restoring blood flow to the heart. Depending on your condition, your doctor may opt to place a stent coated with a slow-releasing medication to help keep your artery open.
Artificial pacemakers
For some people with bundle branch block and a history of fainting, doctors may recommend implanting an artificial pacemaker. This pacemaker is a compact battery-operated device, which can be implanted under the skin of your upper chest (internal pacemaker).
For some people with bundle branch block and a history of fainting, doctors may recommend implanting an artificial pacemaker. This pacemaker is a compact battery-operated device, which can be implanted under the skin of your upper chest (internal pacemaker).
Internal pacemakers are placed near your collarbone during surgery performed using local anesthesia. The pacemaker provides electrical pulses that keep your heart beating regularly. These devices have sensors that can detect when your heart needs a signal from the pacemaker to normalize your heart rate.
If you need a pacemaker, your doctor can explain any precautions you need to take in order to keep the device working properly and to reduce risks associated with their use.
By Mayo Clinic staffTo reduce your risk of heart-related problems that can lead to or worsen bundle branch block, you can:
- Stop smoking
- Control blood pressure
- Reduce the dietary cholesterol and fat in your meals
- Keep your weight at normal levels
- Exercise regularly
- Control diabetes
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